Saturday, February 5, 2011

What a TIRED days!


Huhu.. I just arrived from T'ganu.. Attending my brother's wedding. T'ganu sgt jauh dan jalan nak gi sana.... adoi laa penat gila kot! kebas abis punggung! grr.. penat2.. takpa.. after this aku upload gambo abg aku kawin ye~ tunggu tau!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Me and Her.. Its her birthday party!

4 December.. *Ring* *Ring*... "This the voice mailbox for the number ................."
Grrr..!! You know, I can falling in love with the "secretary" of yours! >:(

Well what past is past.. Im still can talk with you right.. About the date? Haaa! =D

That is my beloved one (Idk what her feeling towards me but my feeling toward her is....HUGE!) birth date! And that is why I can't even called her that time because of line is busy.. (Grrr)! Some of you might think maybe Im doing something very special to her that day.. But naaahh, nothing I do to her except just wishing her "Happy Bday ***, bla bla bla" (korang mana leh tau! private kot! Muahaha!!)

On 26 January, me and my friend (Najali if you all still remember..Haha!!) make a plan to celebrate her birthday! Yeay! (Its nearly two months after her birthday -__-")

The place we go to celebrate her birthday is Johnny's. Steamboat and Thai cuisine restaurant. Its cheap and good too. Lol.. I can become Johhy's promoter.. Haha..

The cookies and cream ice cream cake.. Melted away..
So, after having steamboat and thai cuisine for the dinner, and not to forget the dessert (Salim and Plum in Syrup) we come to the main dessert! The cakes!

Well, the first reaction of the birthday girl is....well you know how right! Haha!

But the cake is not in the real shape.. Wargh! Hate the dry ice.. Grr!
Oh dry ice, why you failed me? =(
Birthday girl is little too shy... Haha..
 The unexpected event by the birthday girl (Oh by the way, her name is Nadiah.. Half of the entry now only I mention her name.. Lolx!) Little too shy, little too happy and so many little things! Hahah.. See her happy face, make me happy as well.. =D

Nadiah: Ngeeee~~  *My favourite*
Happy face =)

Beside her... Is me lah.. Who else? Hohoh.. (See whos taller now? Muahaha!!)
The "Heart" shape cake is still in one piece..
Ready to be "killed"..

"Hancur hati.. mengenang dikau.. Menjadi keping - keping" - Dewa

The seriousness in there..

Yeay! Success!

 Well no pictures were taken during the eating period.. All busy eating their cakes..

The happy face, thats why I always called her "boonncciitt".. Hahahah.. =)
 Thats the end of it.. A small birthday party for a big girl.. She has turned 22 last year.. Hahaha... We're the same now, right Nadiah.. =P

I was happy, and I know she is happy too.. Thats what I want her to feel..

 Well, I dont know any sweet word I can give to you (Hahaha..!! later on maybe somebody will be mad at me..Hahaha) , because I no sweet myself. Just this to show how much I really admire you.. And love you..

"Relaku menunggu mu, seribu tahun lama lagi, Tapi benarkah hidup ku kan selama ini, Biar berputar utara selatan,Ku tak putus harapan,Sedia setia..." - Imran Ajmain, Seribu Tahun..

Ahakz.. Jiwang plak.. (One of the reason I didnt write this entry in Malay because Im too shy and too jiwang..Hahah..)

Well, thats all folks for this entry.. Hope ya enjoy! =)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Naja + Ali = Najali !

<------- Ni la Najali.. comel tak? Kuikuikui!

Saat tiba di Fort Cornwallis
Ha ha ha.. Najali... cam hampeh je combination tuh.. Ha ha ha.. Well, hello folks! Tujuan aku buat post ni bukan nak gelakkan diorg.. Tapi nak tunjukkan kat korang semua gambo2 dua org model kat atas tu yang diambil oleh aku.. Hihihi... Kami buat sesi photoshoot ni di taman skodeng... eh! Fort Cornwallis.. Aku ni tak abis2 taman skodeng je kan! Ish3... tanpa nanti aku gi taman skodeng aku tangkap gamba bebanyak eh! Hahahaha!!

Maka pada hari sabtu, tanggal berapa haribulan tah.. pukul 5 petang kami sampai di fort cornwallis... Dua org model aku ni mmg dah teketaq ketaq nak kena tangkap gambaq... So folks let see their pic! =)

Ali kena marah..

Gambar terpaksa dikaburkan....

Lama jugak diorg ni ! Ish!
Lama tol diorg ni ! aku yang duk meniarap ni diorg tak pk lak! ish3! aku tatau apa yang diorg cakap.. tapi mmg diorg tak bergaduh lah.. hahah.. tatau la apa diorg buat.. Im just there capturing the scenic moment.. =P

Muka kegembiraan di F.Cornwallis

Sesi bermesra di atas rumput.. * "wangi" sungguh time ni*

Dasar pandang ke mana ya?

Naja - Yang.. awk tunjuk apa tuh?
Ali - Tah.. saya pun tatau..

Tunjuk lageyy!


My personal favorite!
p/s - Aku jeles gila!! argh! =.="
Aku paling suka gamba black n white ni.. mmg favorite lah! Pandai plak diorg ni bergaya + buat aku jeles! Cis! Bikin wa jeles manyak panas ooo.. *bila la nak ada awek n tangkap gamba camni kan*   Kuikuikui

Jalan - jalan cari port lain~

Berenti sembang lu..

Ho ho ho~
Sembang lagey!

Haaaaa!! Watpa tu!  

Well, the photoshoot end up here.. This is the last place I take a photo.. The place is nice and I recommended for couple or photographer to do a photoshoot here.. Lolz!

p/s - sesapa nak photoshoot tuh meh le.. aku tak charge apa pun (buat masa skarang lah) Muahahhahaha!!

 Next up! Photoshoot kat UiTM Perlis! Kena jadi nih!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flower Power !!

Selamat datang ke taman skoden!

Firstly tgk tajuk pon da rasa mcm meremang bulu roma.. Gay sgt tajuk camtu.. Tapi nak buat camna, tu lah hakikatnya.. Haritu kat Penang ada pesta bunga di Botanical Garden. So, I hooked up with my camera and go there to investigate.. Whooosshh!

Dalam perjalanan aku tersesat.. Malu doh sesat kat negeri sendiri..Nasib baik plat keta start huruf A.. takda la malu sgt! Muahahaa!!  Hadoi... Buang masa je kat jalan tuh.. ish3
Tapi alhamdulillah selamat sampai jua ke taman sekode... bunga!  @_@"

The exhibition is not so big.. But quiet big cause there are many flowers around.. Kiri kanan bunga.. atas bawah benda lain.. ops! Muahahah!! So, there I take several pictures of flower (yeah right "several")..
Well then.. lets look at it !

Dengarlah matahariku~ suara tangisan ku~

Ungu mata hitam ku~

Hotel Seri Malaysia

Pure White....


Bunga apa pun tatau.. tapi cantik..

Black rose anyone?
 Well folks.. that the pic that I take.. I only posted several of it because other pic is not awesome enough.. huhu.. I hope next time there will be a women exhibition.. because this is taman sekoden right?? hahah.. just joking!